ZOD Services

Strategy + Business Model Generation

Strategy: All businesses operate on a business model, however most business models are fixed and limited. ZOD will evaluate and generate a dynamic business model based on an innovative method of analysis. We will participate in the process together and you will benefit from the outcome.

Innovation + User Experience

Innovation: User Experience relates to your Customer’s and your Business’ experience. The innovative process reveals that your Customer’s and your Business’ experience are entangled and often limiting the potential of each.

Design + 3D CAD

Design: After all of the Strategic and Innovative thinking is generated your Product and or Service becomes the most critical challenge because of the cost of production. This is where a professional designer matters. Finally the successful production of your product or service is most important.

Terms + Conditions

ZOD terms and conditions are based on the subject and scope of the project. Generally work is invoiced at a fixed price for a defined phase of work and value. Each phase is estimated on the previous phase. A standard Consulting Retention Contract is agreed to which allows for clear invoicing and billing.